"Helping children and teens uncover their talents through the art of writing"

Universal Mom Downloadable Newsletters

Yes, you have come to the lovely “home” of the Universal Mom programs that support children and teens to increase their self-esteem and confidence.

Universal Mom programs use the art of writing to help uncover the Brilliance, Talents, Gifts and Voice of children and teens worldwide. I believe with all of my heart and soul that this is the missing link to harmony and safety in our world today. These Universal Mom programs are called The Writer’s Authentic Empowerment Programs for Children & Teens.

Universal Mom Newsletter 2020
Universal Mom Newsletter 2021
Universal Mom Newsletter 2022
Universal Mom Newsletter 2023

The Writer’s Authentic Empowerment Programs for Children & Teens are intentionally focused on…

  • How to build healthy and foundational self-esteem in children and teens
  • Ability to value their gifts and talents and those of others
  • How to value differences with non-judgment
  • Set productive intentions of their goals
  • Have a new appreciation for the gift of writing
  • Feel seen, feel heard and feel validated
  • Learn how to ask “How can I serve?” using their gifts and talents
  • How to go from “victim” to co-creator
  • Authentic productivity
  • Time management skills
  • Become internally motivated
  • Resistant to peer pressure
  • Non-tolerant of bullying for themselves and for others
  • Enjoy healthier relationships

We have wonderful programs for children and teens in these age groups: 8–11; 12–14 and 15–19. These three age programs are specifically aimed at the emotional, mental and spiritual level for each group.
These comments help to give you a better idea of what the Universal Mom programs really do for your children and, for the Certified Universal Mom, income-generating opportunities.

Universal Mom – Time Management Secrets for Working Moms Webinar Series

Universal Mom introduction:

Right-click to download.


Universal Mom: A new movement in conscious connection.

A new movement in the development of self-esteem and authentic self-expression for children and teens. I have worked with children and teens in my non-profit organization, The Self-Esteem Council, for over twenty years and many of the students are going to college, grades are substantially improved, better relationships with family members, truancy is way down and many of these students are becoming active in high school.

Enroll Today! ▸

Why is this all important? Why have Universal Mom programs? What’s different with Universal Mom?

The Universal Mom programs are being created by a person, me, who has had successful results with children and adults for over twenty years. The beliefs, nurturing, love, insights compassion, approach and proven results are exhibited over and over again and, they do make a difference….a BIG difference!

Enroll Today! ▸

The Writer’s Authentic Empowerment Programs for Children and Teens:

Right-click to download.


Universal Mom: How to feel seen, feel heard and feel validated.